Foreign Language Teaching Methods
In the history of FLT, there have been many different methods and approaches such as the Audiolingual Method, the Natural Approach, Suggestopedia, Total Physical Response, The Cognitive Approach, The Lexical Approach, Community Language Learning, and TBLT, featuring among the most popular. In the post-method era, it is difficult to talk about specific methods as such; yet, there are certain methodological approaches to EFL teaching that have become widespread in Spain in general, and the Valencian region in particular. These include: CLIL, AMCO, and MORE methodology.
Students in this course have attended some of the schools in which these instructional perspectives have been implemented, and were able to observe them as they were conducted in real life and talk to teachers and students as well as explain these perspectives in class and put them into practice.
International students presented TBLT.
We also practiced Kagan's Cooperative structures.
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